Oh Lilyput really feel for you there
horrible isn't it when have worked so hard for something and then could end up in this scenario.
Thanks franticwithworry I keep trying not to worry about it. Just seem to spend every waking moment worrying about something or other. In my situation I am in the middle of allegation from my daughter against my partner that he has been sexually abusing her since her pre teens until recently. This where fitness to practice could be questioned depending on decisions I make moving forwards as children's services involved.
It is good to hear that employers have been supportive. My immediate manager is aware and has been supportive but obviously things can change as this moves forwards.

Thanks franticwithworry I keep trying not to worry about it. Just seem to spend every waking moment worrying about something or other. In my situation I am in the middle of allegation from my daughter against my partner that he has been sexually abusing her since her pre teens until recently. This where fitness to practice could be questioned depending on decisions I make moving forwards as children's services involved.
It is good to hear that employers have been supportive. My immediate manager is aware and has been supportive but obviously things can change as this moves forwards.