Hello to you all, I have not introduced myself yet, sorry I will shortly.
My husband was convicted of rape in August 2010, it was against my daughter, who he had brought up since she was 18 months old. There was a 4 day trial at Crown Court, my daughter had no evidence at all, my husband had lots of evidence, I was called to be a witness for my husband, he had several witnesses, I was going to be the last, just before I was due to be called the Barrister and Solicitor came to me and said, we are not going to call you, the case is going so well, we don't want to put you on the stand, and under anymore stress, they said the other side would rip me apart regarding my husband and my daughter, so on their advise I didnt give evidence. The jury were sent out to make their decition, they only took 3/4 of an hour, when everyone was called back into the court, both Barristers stood outside with us, and the prosecuting Barrister said to our Barrister, you have one this one mate, No won was redy for the verdict, they had found him guilty, he was sentenced to 6 years, to serve 3, and 3 on licence, and on the sex offenders register for life. My husband claimed full legal aid for the trial.
After the trial my daughter admitted to my middle son, that she had lied under oath, she had lied in the past to the police.
My husband has just over a year to go, his release date is the 23rd August 2013,
Yesterday I received a letter addressed to my husband from a company called
Following your conviction in the Crown Court, you are required to pay a
contribution to the costs of your defence representation. The amount you are
required to pay is £7,877.44, this amount must be paid within 28 days of
this order 10/08/2012.
I called my husbands solicitor today, they called the National Courts Team, and the Crown Court where the trial was held, the solicitor said that I would have to call them as they as a solicitors did not deal with this sort of problems, only criminal. So I called the National Courts Team, who told me they could not deal with me as I wasnt my husband, so then I called the Crown Court, who said they couldnt advise me only to call the CAB, which I did, I didnt get anyone local so have to go on Monday at the local branch.
Has anyone else had a letter like this, this is two years after the trial, and my husband got full legal aid, so how can they ask for this sum of money now after all this time?
They know he got sentenced so why sent it to the home address nd not to the prison?
I have no money to pay this amount, I am on benefits, as I am unfit to work, mentally and physically, im on 25 tablets a day + morphine patches. I had my benefit stopped, and had to appeal against it, I won the appeal, I am still waiting for them to sort my money out, so I am on basic until they do so, Ive been on basic for a year.
It seems as one thing happens after another, never seeing light at the end of the tunnel, I feel the same as I did when everything first happened, ive been given the sentance as well as my husband. Ive lost my whole family, we had a wonderful life before all this, and within seconds one morning it all changes, I've done nothing wrong and Im the one suffering the most.
I am sorry if I have rammbled on, and hope this makes sence for someone to help me, it's so difficult to write everything dowm, its taken nearly three hours to type this.
My husband was convicted of rape in August 2010, it was against my daughter, who he had brought up since she was 18 months old. There was a 4 day trial at Crown Court, my daughter had no evidence at all, my husband had lots of evidence, I was called to be a witness for my husband, he had several witnesses, I was going to be the last, just before I was due to be called the Barrister and Solicitor came to me and said, we are not going to call you, the case is going so well, we don't want to put you on the stand, and under anymore stress, they said the other side would rip me apart regarding my husband and my daughter, so on their advise I didnt give evidence. The jury were sent out to make their decition, they only took 3/4 of an hour, when everyone was called back into the court, both Barristers stood outside with us, and the prosecuting Barrister said to our Barrister, you have one this one mate, No won was redy for the verdict, they had found him guilty, he was sentenced to 6 years, to serve 3, and 3 on licence, and on the sex offenders register for life. My husband claimed full legal aid for the trial.
After the trial my daughter admitted to my middle son, that she had lied under oath, she had lied in the past to the police.
My husband has just over a year to go, his release date is the 23rd August 2013,
Yesterday I received a letter addressed to my husband from a company called
Following your conviction in the Crown Court, you are required to pay a
contribution to the costs of your defence representation. The amount you are
required to pay is £7,877.44, this amount must be paid within 28 days of
this order 10/08/2012.
I called my husbands solicitor today, they called the National Courts Team, and the Crown Court where the trial was held, the solicitor said that I would have to call them as they as a solicitors did not deal with this sort of problems, only criminal. So I called the National Courts Team, who told me they could not deal with me as I wasnt my husband, so then I called the Crown Court, who said they couldnt advise me only to call the CAB, which I did, I didnt get anyone local so have to go on Monday at the local branch.
Has anyone else had a letter like this, this is two years after the trial, and my husband got full legal aid, so how can they ask for this sum of money now after all this time?
They know he got sentenced so why sent it to the home address nd not to the prison?
I have no money to pay this amount, I am on benefits, as I am unfit to work, mentally and physically, im on 25 tablets a day + morphine patches. I had my benefit stopped, and had to appeal against it, I won the appeal, I am still waiting for them to sort my money out, so I am on basic until they do so, Ive been on basic for a year.
It seems as one thing happens after another, never seeing light at the end of the tunnel, I feel the same as I did when everything first happened, ive been given the sentance as well as my husband. Ive lost my whole family, we had a wonderful life before all this, and within seconds one morning it all changes, I've done nothing wrong and Im the one suffering the most.
I am sorry if I have rammbled on, and hope this makes sence for someone to help me, it's so difficult to write everything dowm, its taken nearly three hours to type this.
