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  • Hypocrites

    The UK's Child Exploitation Online Protection Centre (Ceop) says a central database of all images of abuse which appear on the web is necessary.

    I almost fell off my chair reading this cr4p. Let me get this straight, ceop is declaring that the police should collect child pornography. Or "maintain a database of it," as they call it.

    Um, isn't that what paedophiles do?

    I always thought there was something distinctly unhealthy and hypocritical about this country's police.
    Now I'm absolutely, 100% totally bl**dy certain.

    At least now we know where the child sex perverts are - while they accuse the rest of us, they're the ones doing the thumbing through the child porn.


  • #2
    plunging to even lower depths - or perk of the job?
    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


    • #3
      I think they keep a database of such images so that as and when new images emerge they check the database to see if the same child/background is in the image - then they may be able to investigate where the images/films are being made and who by.

      I believe it is more a tool of investigation rather than just a "collection" - although on the face of it it does sound a little odd. I am sure that a few officers will make use of the database for their own private "needs" though. There are "bad apples" in every walk of life.
      People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

      PAFAA details ~


      • #4
        If that were the case, then when someone is accused of collecting dubious images, then the police should be able to come up with definitive answers about the people in the images, such as their age, date of birth, and name.

        In my experience, they merely "guesstimate" the age of the people in the image, without referring to ANY outside information, or indeed any proof.

        It would be nice if they do collect and maintain a database IF they collect the correct information too.
        That way, when they accuse someone they will have definitive information on which to base the accusation, instead of just saying "we think this is a person under 18" when often it clearly isn't.

        It also protects the innocent from being spuriously accused.

