I have inadvertently pressed something or other to make this happen, the letters are so small I can now barely make them out even with strong glasses
All other web pages are ok so I can't solve the problem by increasing magnification on the Windows settings.
I seem to recollect reading something about text sizing so I've looked at all the setting tabs but can't find anything about this (of course this might be because I can't read it)
Can anyone come up with an solution before I have to go and buy a magnifying glass; if so can you write it in large letters
All other web pages are ok so I can't solve the problem by increasing magnification on the Windows settings.
I seem to recollect reading something about text sizing so I've looked at all the setting tabs but can't find anything about this (of course this might be because I can't read it)
Can anyone come up with an solution before I have to go and buy a magnifying glass; if so can you write it in large letters