We have been married for 10 years. About 2.5 years ago, when our baby was 6 months old, I started to notice that his attitude towards me was changing. Shortly after I have found out that he is in the emotional relationship (online girlfriend) with another woman for over a year (when I was pregnant!
. We had a huge fight. He reassured me that he will stop and that he still loved me. However, I was in such a shuck and pain, that I became insecure and scared of a future. Ever since than, I stopped trusting him and, therefore, always assumed he is doing something bad that will eventually heart our marriage. He, also, became rude, inpatient with me, and started to spend more time away from home (work, sport, etc..). By now, I have caught him chatting with other women online three times. The last time I caught him, he tolled me that he does not care anymore what I feel or what I do. He also said that he does not love me anymore. WHAT DO I DO?! I love him and I can't imagine our child not being with both of us... But I am in such a pain inside, especially knowing that there is nothing I can do to change his mind. I have been in this depressing mood for over a week now. Please help me!
