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  • Phoenix


    The phoenix is a mythical bird that was supposed to be consumed by fire and then rise up again out of the ashes. It's a powerful symbol o fmany things but I like to look at it as a metaphor for inner rebirth.

    We can all know, in different ways and for different reasons, what the mystics call "the dark night of the soul." Our life seems futile; we seem insignificant nothings; and nothing at all in life has any value.

    This experience is often followed by a profound mystical revelation of harmony and peace.

    Well, I haven't had THAT yet but I HAVE gone through the very depths of despair and self-loathing. After I was raped I felt dirty and I was disgusted with myself and my own body. I thought I was nothing and I thought I'd deserved what happened to me.

    Gradually I've come to see things different and begun to accept myself. It's not been an easy ride but some good people have helped me stumble slowly out of my inner darkness, especially my wonderful husband.

    Today I'm slowly rising up from or at least crawling out of the ashes of my own self-hatred and self-disgust. It's a long hard road and there'e many a mile yet to go on it before I can feel truly healed inside and at peace with myself.

    Even though I can't fly yet in the free air around that other birds inhabit, at least I can flap my wings in the hope that, one day, I WILL fly true and free.
    Kindness is the most important thing.
    After that maybe sincerity.
    Be true to yourself.
    A condemnation out of ignorance is always unjust.

  • #2
    I'm so pleased that you have changed your username! No longer a Worthlessfem, now you are a Phoenix.
    I am sure you will be able to fly again one day.


    • #3
      Thanks, Saffron!

      It's lovely people like you that help us to get through things!
      Kindness is the most important thing.
      After that maybe sincerity.
      Be true to yourself.
      A condemnation out of ignorance is always unjust.

