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hi everyone ,just wanted to let you know im thinking of you all and send peace ,and love to those who are in a dark place right now ,remember someone cares
And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..
hi rights fighter ,i came on this site as i wanted to connect with anyone who have had problems with devon and cornwall police [just cormwall in my case] and just wanted to say hi ,hope your having a lovely weekend ,the sun is shining here in cornwall ,peace,love and happiness t
hi again ,simply i had several unlawfull raids by cornwalls police to my property ,home ,car,the police took life savings of £4,000 which they still have ,im suing them now with torts and they dropped all PHONY CHARGES under the proceeds of crime act ???/ no crime /no proceeds !! i live by natural law and will never let them do this to me ever again ,im now a free person on the land not a puppet ,it took me years wondering why the police were acting like gangsters instead of PEACE officers ? i began to look up on natural law and saw a small book called SO THEY SAY YOUVE BROKEN THE LAW by sarah lioness and believe me that book was my saviour ,i then started studying all about civil law suits against the police in cornwall who had unlawfully raided my house and terrorised myself and my son [who is scared to death of the cornish police ] im disabled and have been in police cells several times and just couldnt take any more so im fighting back with all my might against the quilty ones and new people coming to help me so happy days pg
lol the police of coarse ,no one else would ever try the tricks the police have tried and failed miserably ,im not saying all cops are devils far from it we have a few good cops here in cornwall but there like us -old school ,i brought my son up to respect the law and hes 23 with a full time job ,goes to the gym 6 nights a week ,doesnt touch alcahol.drugs ,but still the police want to take the mickey so i resorted to writing a letter of claim against every single one of the cops who unlawfully forced entry into my home and the help ive received is priceless ,from the start to have all paperwork correct as one slip up and it could affect the case so now they want me to be mentally assessed ??? unknown to them we saw this coming and i went to london and saw a private phsyciatrist who confirmed that all i had is anxiety [because of police ] so its like a game to them but its one they have no chance of winning when we do wrong we all get punished so what made these certain cops think they could keep getting away with it ??? and being put in cages [cells] for what ?? where was the crime ???? lol
hi again,my gonnagetcha name is because when i passed my private investigator diploma my family always say heres miss gonnagetcha and it has stayed with me lol
hi again,my gonnagetcha name is because when i passed my private investigator diploma my family always say heres miss gonnagetcha and it has stayed with me lol
hi rf,no i only got the diploma so i could get into plymouth university ,but the uni couldnt accept me as the diplomas were from scotland [carreer academy] i got 3 in total and was devastated when i couldnt get in ,so i just studied on a diploma for counselling skills and psycology and now i have to stop studying any natural law as i received a letter this afternoon inviting me to see a community shrink for an assesment so im quite devastated tonight as i already covered my self by seeing the local community phsyciatrist in december [3 months go] i had been told that to stop me complaing about unlawfull raids to my home they would do this ,i cannot understand why humans can be so cruel ,as i said previously we have some good police here but a couple of rotten apples in the basket ,how about you ? did something happen to you [not being nosey]