New to this and I feel a bit strange
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I am not sure where to post, I tried to reply to a thread last night but it would not let me. I have read a lot on here and just wish I knew this was here a couple of years ago. Been through two rape trials in the past 3yrs, been the victim ( survivor ) or what ever it's called as personally I do not like labels. Then I find myself going through a court case with 3 teenage lads accused of rape, two have since been found guilty and 1 got a not guilty, the whole case hinged on consent. I know from the evidence that convicted them that it proves they were innocent but they had a **** defense team and a bonkers jury. I can deal with my past as I got justice but these two lads are innocent and I am afraid I used to be one of those who always said no smoke without fire,, all that has changed nowSorry for posting this on this thread.
Hi Karma, no need to apologise - if I can work out how to move it I'll put it into the other category!
I'm so sorry you've been through all that and as most here who have been through a trial will say the say - juries are bonkers and a lot of legal people aren't very good.
Were you on the jury of the case you mentioned or as a bystander? I ask in case any of the lads were/are on here.And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..