Hello all, i REALY dont want to right the story in here inase there is praying eyes! so if u can inbox me that will be great thanks it's a VERRY serios false allagation!
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Hello new member here
Hello Doubletake,
Welcome to the forum.
I so understand your fears of saying too much due to prying eyes.
If you can broadly outline the situation without giving identifying details we will be more in a position to support you both and answer your questions and fears.
You both have been plunged into a nightmare situation and the overriding instinct is to get it stopped like yesterday.
Take a moment to step back, take a few deep slow breaths, get loads of pens and paper and get your partner to start writing a chronology of events before the allegation, his time in the custody suite and since he has been on bail.
If it is a historic false allegation look at photo's of the year in question as you will be amazed the memories it can trigger. Diaries are a good source of info.
If it is an allegation of a recent time, get hold of shift/work patterns etc.
Try to account for every day.
Do not tell the police as they will get your false accuser to change the date of the alleged offence. Any evidence/material that proves your partners innocence get to a place of safekeeping or to the safety of his solicitor if he has one.
The police have a habit of 'losing' evidence that points to the innocence of the 'suspect'.
Your partner is entitled to have a copy of his custody record (ask the custody sergeant for it.)
Get him to write to the duty solicitor who represented him in interview to give him a copy of the attendance notes, initial disclosure and the notes the solicitor wrote during the interview.
Hopefully that has helped, but without knowing how far along in the process your partner is it is hard to advise further in any practical way.
I think the two main things are:
Try not to panic (Yeah, right!!!)
Your partner must take control of his case and be pro-active.
Do not leave it to the solicitor.
If you post more than five posts members will be able to support you with issues you feel are sensitive or identifying via PM.
Read other threads, you will be suprised just how much in common your partner has with hundreds on this forum.
Take care and be strong
Hi thanks for the responcefirst of all it's an historic alligation from a family member also was under the age at the time but now is a fully grown woman i REALY cant say much more i know u say i'd be supprised how many cases are like his i've been reading the forums for a faire few month and not yet come across 1 the same x