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I thought I was alone

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  • I thought I was alone

    My name is Patrick, I have just finished a ten year prison sentence for rape my accuser was my biological daughter, who lives in Ireland, I always maintained my innocence however my words fell on deaf Ears, whilst on bail I took a polygraph test which if admissible would have cleared my name, I also offered my accuser the opportunity to take the same test , which she of course refused to do. The trial judge refused to allow the jury to hear any of these facts, I was convicted on a statement , given ten years in prison without possibility of parole because I had not addressed my offender behaviour, at the same time my daughter who unbeknown to me had a history of mental ilness ,named and shamed me, got a press agent and received huge payments for her STORY 200,000 euros in total, from various media agencies, when is someone going to say enough is enough, and ensure that those who are found to be lying receive the same punishment instead of the paltry sentences they receive ....for example Braintree police give a fixed penalty notice of £80 I kid you not.........

  • #2
    Welcome Patrick. Sorry you had to find us, but you're not alone. Many of us been through what you have.

    As you say, the system is totally geared towards the "victim" when more should be done to check the validity of such accusations.
    Makes my blood boil when I hear comments such as "the system is more on the criminal's side" - it bloody isn't when you're classed as the criminal.

    Maintaining your innocence inside makes life harder. Those who have done the crime and admit it get an easier ride. Maintain your innocence and no-one believes you.

    Glad you came out the other side.


    • #3

      Out from the night that covers me
      black as a pit from pole to pole I thank whatever god may be
      For my unconquerable soul
      In the fell clutch of circumstance
      I have not whinced nor cried aloud
      From the bludgeoning of chance
      My head is bloodied but unbowed
      Beyond this place of wrath and tears
      Leave behind the horrors of the shade
      And though the menace of the years
      Finds, and finds me still unafraid
      It matters not how strait the gait
      Nor how charged the punishment scroll
      For I am the master of my fate
      I am the captain of my soul..............

      Thank you for your words of support and encouragement god bless you pat


      • #4
        Hi Patrick

        Why not make a start by posting up your story (not in gory detail and without any identifying features) under the "Falsely Accused of Rape?" forum? We might be able to help and you will certainly have "listening ears".
        People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

        PAFAA details ~


        • #5
          I thought I was alone

          I think I will take your advice, just bear with mea little, I as I am sure many of us in the same position find this very difficult to even think about let alone share, but if my experiience, helps others then it has to be the way forward


          • #6
            There's no rush and you don't have to if you'd rather not - its just that we can tailor the advice to what you tell us.

            It is cathartic too you'll find.
            And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..

