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Grandson cleared

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  • Grandson cleared

    Hi we have had a two year wait for justice when my grandson was accused of rape. The accuser started a web of lies which unfolded in court before our eyes. I had seen the girl within an hour of the alleged attack. When I told the police what I had seen it was ignored until it came to court there was no medical evidence of an attack even after a forensic medical examination there was also no witnesses. Her statement was a web of lies which she changed several times during the time we had to wait. When it came to court there where 8 females on the jury which was a big worry. Until we heard her evidence of how her clothing was taken off whilst being pinned down, they of course realised what she was saying was impossible without tearing them off which did not happen. The police at times where unhelpful and confrontational doing their jobs.

    Thankfully the courts look at everything we had a good solicitor and barrister who we had faith in the judge was fair and we where allowed to put the defence case, which was what convinced the jury that he was not guilty. The papers printed the story daily which changed from day one they reported the prosecution case unchallenged on the first day by the second day their tone had changed when our evidence was put forward and it became clear that she had fabricated a web of lies and printed the fact that he was found not guilty. I do worry that it could still impact his life where as she is allowed to go about hers unable to be named for legal reasons.

    Thank you for reading this their is hope, the British courts are very fair the papers just print what they want with no thoughts for the victim which is my grandson the judge said you are free to go with no stain on you record. Just wish the newspaper put a bit more thought into what they print

  • #2
    Hi David,

    Thank you so much for coming on here and telling us what a good result your grandson got and how the hearing went for him. I'm thrilled for you that he got the Not Guilty verdict that he deserved. I also understand what you say about the press and how awful they can be. It was great that they were reasonable; They aren't always. A would just say though that there are some people who don't get a fair hearing and the jury does make a wrongful conviction. It doesn't happen often in the grand scheme of things but it wouldn't be right to say that they courts are always right and that juries never get it wrong.

    That said, I am truly thrilled for you and your grandson. Every innocent person deserves a Not Guilty verdict - and preferably not to be accused in the first place.

    Given that you had such confidence in your legal team, would you give them a shout out here so that people looking for recommendations can find them?

    And the customary bananas -

    'Mongolian Warriors had the courage of lions, the patience of hounds, the prudence of cranes, the long-sightedness of ravens, the wildness of wolves, the passion of fightingcocks, the keenness of cats, the fury of wild boars and the cunning of foxes.' BE A MONGOLIAN WARRIOR WHEN DEFENDING YOUR INNOCENCE!

