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Falsely accused of rape

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  • Falsely accused of rape

    Hi I’m new to this forum, I’m currently going through hell as a girl who I worked with and I had a one night stand in a hotel on my leaving the company celebration night out. She is now accusing me of raping her. We had sex and it was consensual, she even text me the next day and told me “not to tell anyone about last night”
    When word got around that we slept together she admitted to two people that we had sex. A week later the police called me and I’ve been under investigation since, I’m desperate as I feel like my whole life is being taken from me. Please any responses would be greatly appreciated

  • #2
    Falsely Accused of Rape

    Hi there,
    You're not the first and you certainly won't be the last.Contact a reputable criminal lawyer immediately and make an appointment asap.Make detailed written notes of everything you can remember from the time you met with her to the last time you saw her.Save and back up all text messages, WhatsApp messages contact.If possible, obtain CCTV footage if possible,all this information is vital to your defense.Note all the people you know who were in your company or had contacted with the alleged victim.The police are only doing their job but I'd strongly advise you to consult with and have your lawyer present during interview.

    Try to stay calm and do not under any circumstances make contact with the alleged victim.

    I understand exactly how you are feeling.Best of luck and hope everything works out for you.


    • #3
      Hi thank you
      The police have my phone and they have retrieved messages between us and phone calls, they have interviewed the people that where out with us and two of them told the police that she admitted sleeping with me after the alleged incident. She told police that she bit me to stop me but it was a love bite and they took photographs of it, I hope they see through her lies, I just feel like I’m in limbo


      • #4
        As I've said, make detailed written account and bring it along for your consideration. You'd be surprised how much detail you'll remember now and forget in a few day's.Rememember,detail,detail and more detail, might not appear relevant now but could be vital at trial ( hopefully it doesn't get to that). This information will make your lawyer's job much easier.Listen to his/her advice and make notes yourself.Do not discuss your case with anyone prior to your consultation.The alleged victim can say what she likes but ultimately,she must prove it.Remain calm,polite,dignified and try to keep the investigating DC onside.They will do extensive background checks, enquiries on you both and will form an initial opinion.

        The solicitor you choose is important.You don't want a friend of a friend who does conveyancing etc.You need a lawyer who specializes in criminal law,a fighter who will defend you.

        Best of luck.


        • #5
          Thank you I really appreciate it


          • #6
            Hi, the first link below is to a thread where members have previously posted details of solicitors whom they could recommend so you may find someone local to you/where the alleged incident occurred.

            The second link is for some general advice relevant to your situation.


            'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


            • #7
              Thank you so much

