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What happens with the media?

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  • What happens with the media?

    When your charged does you pic go in the local papers? Does it go in the papers where you live or when it apparently happened? Do you go in the national papers when you go to actual court? I get chared on the 24th of jan 2013. Not sure what to expect from now on

  • #2
    Hi, I have just read the details of the allegation against you on your other post.

    Putting on my cynical side (very easy!) I would guess that unless you or your accuser are newsworthy in your own right (e.g. are you a footballer or been on a reality TV show?) on your first court appearance, you will get a paragraph on page 4 of the paper local to where the offence was alleged to have occurred.

    The journalists trawl the court lists for anything interesting but won't bother with a photo unless it is a particular juicy case (i.e. at the present time any allegations involving minors) or the participants are 'known' to them.

    I know it doesn't seem like this to you, but from a media perspective your case is very run-of-the-mill.
    'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


    • #3
      my other charges

      Here's the whole story so you understand how it all happened (as to sum one like me who just come out of rehab this could happen to anyone, and it has done).

      I come out of rehab and got addicted to downloading films, music and lots of porn; i had a problem with watching too much porn and basically i found a video (which was quite funny, in a weird way) of a lady 'with' a horse, the big mistake was i downloaded it and kept it.

      Anyway i moved to Wales from for uni and i met a 27 year old women at the narcotics anonymous meeting, and to cut a long story short i stopped seeing her (only for a weekend) and she cried rape, i was arrested and they took my computer and found the video of the girl with the horse (in jan 2009 in became illegal and its called 'section 63 of the immigration act extreme pornography'), and then things got worse...

      after like 8 months of them going thru my computer they found 1 photo out of 100s of normal legal pictures, that they said is a child (i was worried that that could happen as when you download folders of picture from torrents sites (cos you download like 100 at a time) you can get dodgy ones mixed in, so the police arrested me for that, they showed me the picture and it was a relief when i saw it; it was a poorly lit picture of a women lying with her legs open, you cant even see her face or breasts, it didn't strike me as a child or my lawyer as one, it just looks like a random Chinese girl , but apparently they are pushing for this stuff to look like victory's cos of Jimmy and missing girls, so I'am in a very bad position.

      On the 24th of this month i will get charged with rape, extreme pornography, and 'making' an indecent image (i looked up what making means and it means that the picture was not put up in the UK and therefore when it was put on a computer in the UK jurisdiction it has been produced here and therefore made.

      I'm not sure what happens to me next, but now you know the whole story what do you think my stance with the media will be?

      Thank you for your replys


      • #4
        To be honest I didn't even know that viewing ladies in 'conjunction' with horses has now been categorized as illegal material so I don't suppose that a journalist would consider this worthy of a write-up, on the other hand because of the JS furore, anything involving minors is presently newsworthy and likely will arose media interest.

        Unfortunately a subsequent not guilty verdict doesn't usually make the news in the same way.
        'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


        • #5
          - I read it and think he means bestiality, rather than 'a woman with a horse'! I will stand corrected if its me misunderstanding!
          And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


          • #6
            Originally posted by RFLH View Post
            - I read it and think he means bestiality, rather than 'a woman with a horse'! I will stand corrected if its me misunderstanding!
            It was a bad pun, I should have written 'conjoined'

            I didn't know you knew
            'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


            • #7

              As clearly stated in our terms and conditions, this website is for those innocent of all accusations
              This means that all we can do to support you, or want to do, is to advise you to be open and honest and pleading accordingly to the offences that have been committed.

              We don't consider anyone to be partially guilty. Whether or not the rape is a false allegation, it won't be ignored that you have carried out behaviour that directly contradicts what this website stands for...victims of sexual abuse and those who are fully innocent of allegations against them.

              I'd leave you with the advice to have a frank discussion with your solicitor and accept the consequences of your mistakes and I hope that the right outcome is reached whatever happens.
              "Be sure your sin will find you out"

              Numbers 32:23


              • #8
                Originally posted by Anionix View Post

                Anyway i moved to Wales from for uni and i met a 27 year old women at the narcotics anonymous meeting, and to cut a long story short i stopped seeing her (only for a weekend) and she cried rape, i was arrested and they took my computer and found the video of the girl with the horse (in jan 2009 in became illegal and its called 'section 63 of the immigration act extreme pornography'), and then things got worse...


                Sorry but what on earth does the 'immigration act' (whatever that might be) have to do with disgusting images?
                People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                PAFAA details ~

