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I must plaster that all over Facebook and Twitter as I've not see this until I came here!
Suspects should be charged for being kept overnight in police cells, a police and crime commissioner (PCC) has said.
David Lloyd, PCC in Hertfordshire, said the "honest taxpayer" should not be forced to meet the cost.
Instead criminals "should be punished in the pocket", Conservative Mr Lloyd said in an open letter laying out policing proposals.
Hertfordshire Police said it was "working closely" with Mr Lloyd.
Mr Lloyd said he thought "most people" would agree with his plan.
Chase payment
"Putting people up in cells overnight really is a very expensive part of policing and is almost always the fault of the individual," he said.
"I think most people in this country would say [offenders] should pay for it, not the honest taxpayer."
He added that people could also pay for removing and storing vehicles.
Explaining the plan to the BBC, he said: "We need a society where people pay when they do something wrong."
He also called for the assets of criminals to be seized and invested in public services.
Mr Lloyd is preparing his first Police and Crime Plan and said the principle of "offender pays" was at the heart of his strategy for policing in the county.
He said the proposal to charge for overnight stays was just at the consultation stage and he "would have to work out" what to do with people who could not pay.
'Policing effort'
"We will work through whether or not we can then chase them through whichever means is possible," he said.
"We will have to accept there will be some people who can't pay.
"But let's look at how we can make it work rather than those it might not work with."
Mr Lloyd added he would also need to look at what would happen if those arrested and held were found to be innocent.
The Police and Crime Commissioner admitted his idea was "not the finished product" and he needed to check the legality of the proposal but he had had "a lot of very positive coverage so far".
"The feedback I have got so far is that broadly people think this is a good idea," he said.
Andy Bliss, Hertfordshire Chief Constable, said: "We are working in close support to provide operational input as [Mr Lloyd] consults with the public about his ideas for further enhancing the policing effort locally."
RF: Ermmmm should that not be 'alleged offenders' when they have not been caught redhanded? Pillocky idiot......People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~
PAFAA details ~
The wording of it is unbelievable - so the minute you find yourself in a police cell you are an offender rather than a suspect and we want to charge you
for the privilege!
Mr Lloyd added he would also need to look at what would happen if those arrested and held were found to be innocent.
I saw the interview yesterday - he did kindly say that the innocent didn't have to pay - which was big of him, mind you he had a lovely sincere look on his face and you could almost believe the words - apart from the blank look behind his eyes .............And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..
It's not just his eyes that look suspicious to me! This is like saying the dying should pay for their hospital bed (unless they die of course!), or school children should pay to be in school ( unless they play truant) I assume there are many suspects who are also tax-payers. Unbelievable indeed! I wonder what he has is store for those who can't pay. Now let me guess.......