Well, nearly a year since the allegation against me and what a hellish year it's been!
I was out this evening with my fiancee, her brother and her friend. I didn't really want to be out but it was kind of arranged. First night out I've had since the accusation.
Suppose a bit of background eh?
City centre pub, karaoke night, reasonably quiet but busy enough.
I was dressed like an old man as usual...
So, we're all in there having a few drinks. Me less than others. Fiancees friend has a bit too much to drink! Drinks someone elses drink and 'click' falling all over the place...
My partner and her are reasonably regulars in the place so not much issue. Closing time we all leave and start walking along the street. Partners friend (from here on in referred to as 'A') is clearly out of it. I pop over road and get some cigarettes whilst she is left with bro and partner to get some fresh air. Come back and she's still not good but not bad so we turn the corner and head for the taxi rank which is up a long(ish) street.
At this point I would like to draw your attention to an Evening Times article:
(you'll not be able to read the full article without signing in!)
I read this article and WRONGLY (due to my personal circumstances!!!) made a lot of assumptions. I read it completely negatively and assumed an over reaction.
Well... Upon turning that corner we were greeted by the 'Street Pastors' who were very nice, concerned and asked a few questions. They handed out little flip flops, some advice and let us carry on our way. VERY VERY nice people and I really cannot thank them enough.
At this point we became aware of a 'man' hanging around. He followed us up the street a little before bumming a cigarette. I know how it is to not have a smoke and duly handed him one. He kept hanging around. He needed a light... He kept hanging around, my partners brother told him to F off. He kinda did but persisted in hanging around. I immediately became very concerned.
Not being intoxicated I monitored the guys behaviour, body language and persistence. I was alarmed.
My partners brother persisted in telling him where to go but to no avail.
I was busy trying to spot some Police Officers.
It continued right to the top of the street whereby I spotted two Officers and quickly left the group and caught up with them. I attempted to explain my concerns and the Officers listened. I felt as if I had to justify myself and make clear that I wasn't a drunk weirdo BUT the Officers WERE on the ball, just me being a little over analytical!
It was agreed that I would walk back (it 'looked' as if I had left the group indicating to the guy that there was only one male left to leave before he could pounce!) and indicate to the Officers who the male was. I needn't have bothered! The guy was already causing a commotion in the queue. I made clear to the Officers that it was the same guy and they promptly stopped and began questioning him.
The female Officer took my partners details and indicated that she'd be sending the 'guy' on his way out of the city centre for the evening. She asked if we wanted any other action taken but we were desperate simply to get home as it was freezing.
I, personally, didn't want to give any details and am thankful that I wasn't asked. It may seem strange but with the allegation against me I didn't want the Police to start asking questions about me!!!!!!!!
I am hoping that the 'guy' was eventually lifted this evening as I genuinely believe that he WILL commit a crime against a female either tonight or in the future. I am, strangely, happy that he has been brought to the attention of the Police and his details taken. I am thankful for the Street Pastors. I am, strangely, thankful for the focus on sexual offences at the moment. I shouldn't be by all rights due to the allegation against myself, I should be burning up with resentment and hatred BUT what I realised tonight is that there are genuine predators out there and that what I always say is an 'over reaction' by the law could very well be a balanced reaction.
Tonights situation was truly an eye opener to me. I never imagined that these types of things actually happened. I've never experienced them before.
I also believe that if it wasn't for the false allegation against myself then I wouldn't have been so quick and instinctive thinking and what was an annoying situation could have simply resulted in a violent assault against he guy (him, strangely, becoming the VICTIM) and some arrests being made. He would never have come to the attention of the Police as a potential threat to women!
Anyway... Tonights change of 'saying'...
It doesn't take one to know one..... It takes someone with experience, either willfully gained or otherwise, to identify one!
I was out this evening with my fiancee, her brother and her friend. I didn't really want to be out but it was kind of arranged. First night out I've had since the accusation.
Suppose a bit of background eh?
City centre pub, karaoke night, reasonably quiet but busy enough.
I was dressed like an old man as usual...

So, we're all in there having a few drinks. Me less than others. Fiancees friend has a bit too much to drink! Drinks someone elses drink and 'click' falling all over the place...
My partner and her are reasonably regulars in the place so not much issue. Closing time we all leave and start walking along the street. Partners friend (from here on in referred to as 'A') is clearly out of it. I pop over road and get some cigarettes whilst she is left with bro and partner to get some fresh air. Come back and she's still not good but not bad so we turn the corner and head for the taxi rank which is up a long(ish) street.
At this point I would like to draw your attention to an Evening Times article:
(you'll not be able to read the full article without signing in!)
I read this article and WRONGLY (due to my personal circumstances!!!) made a lot of assumptions. I read it completely negatively and assumed an over reaction.
Well... Upon turning that corner we were greeted by the 'Street Pastors' who were very nice, concerned and asked a few questions. They handed out little flip flops, some advice and let us carry on our way. VERY VERY nice people and I really cannot thank them enough.

At this point we became aware of a 'man' hanging around. He followed us up the street a little before bumming a cigarette. I know how it is to not have a smoke and duly handed him one. He kept hanging around. He needed a light... He kept hanging around, my partners brother told him to F off. He kinda did but persisted in hanging around. I immediately became very concerned.
Not being intoxicated I monitored the guys behaviour, body language and persistence. I was alarmed.
My partners brother persisted in telling him where to go but to no avail.
I was busy trying to spot some Police Officers.
It continued right to the top of the street whereby I spotted two Officers and quickly left the group and caught up with them. I attempted to explain my concerns and the Officers listened. I felt as if I had to justify myself and make clear that I wasn't a drunk weirdo BUT the Officers WERE on the ball, just me being a little over analytical!
It was agreed that I would walk back (it 'looked' as if I had left the group indicating to the guy that there was only one male left to leave before he could pounce!) and indicate to the Officers who the male was. I needn't have bothered! The guy was already causing a commotion in the queue. I made clear to the Officers that it was the same guy and they promptly stopped and began questioning him.
The female Officer took my partners details and indicated that she'd be sending the 'guy' on his way out of the city centre for the evening. She asked if we wanted any other action taken but we were desperate simply to get home as it was freezing.
I, personally, didn't want to give any details and am thankful that I wasn't asked. It may seem strange but with the allegation against me I didn't want the Police to start asking questions about me!!!!!!!!
I am hoping that the 'guy' was eventually lifted this evening as I genuinely believe that he WILL commit a crime against a female either tonight or in the future. I am, strangely, happy that he has been brought to the attention of the Police and his details taken. I am thankful for the Street Pastors. I am, strangely, thankful for the focus on sexual offences at the moment. I shouldn't be by all rights due to the allegation against myself, I should be burning up with resentment and hatred BUT what I realised tonight is that there are genuine predators out there and that what I always say is an 'over reaction' by the law could very well be a balanced reaction.
Tonights situation was truly an eye opener to me. I never imagined that these types of things actually happened. I've never experienced them before.
I also believe that if it wasn't for the false allegation against myself then I wouldn't have been so quick and instinctive thinking and what was an annoying situation could have simply resulted in a violent assault against he guy (him, strangely, becoming the VICTIM) and some arrests being made. He would never have come to the attention of the Police as a potential threat to women!
Anyway... Tonights change of 'saying'...
It doesn't take one to know one..... It takes someone with experience, either willfully gained or otherwise, to identify one!