Hi everyone,
Apologies for not coming on here for a while i guess u could say i have been picking up the pieces of my shattered life. Since i was last on here i have moved on from my ex who is still wit her wife. I have been out on a few dates and am now sorta seeing a nice girl which of course is good news
My main reason for coming back on here was largely due to the massive thanx i wanted to give out to each an every one of u who hav given me advice, support an friendship, i will never forget this. Without this site i would never hav coped with everything i did and i guess i jus wanted to voice my appreciation and tell u all that i will keep popping back an checkin on things or jus to say ello. I wish everyone on here who is dealing with or going through this nightmare all the very best, every cloud has a silver lining an i really hope u all find urs soon
Take care and chin up everybody, i'll be thinking of u all. And once again THANK U SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH, iv learnt to smile and laugh again, an that u jus cant put a price on!! x x x Not-Broken-Anymore!! :-D
Apologies for not coming on here for a while i guess u could say i have been picking up the pieces of my shattered life. Since i was last on here i have moved on from my ex who is still wit her wife. I have been out on a few dates and am now sorta seeing a nice girl which of course is good news

My main reason for coming back on here was largely due to the massive thanx i wanted to give out to each an every one of u who hav given me advice, support an friendship, i will never forget this. Without this site i would never hav coped with everything i did and i guess i jus wanted to voice my appreciation and tell u all that i will keep popping back an checkin on things or jus to say ello. I wish everyone on here who is dealing with or going through this nightmare all the very best, every cloud has a silver lining an i really hope u all find urs soon

Take care and chin up everybody, i'll be thinking of u all. And once again THANK U SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH, iv learnt to smile and laugh again, an that u jus cant put a price on!! x x x Not-Broken-Anymore!! :-D