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  • advice

    I have been accused of raping a girl, a one night stand, her friends walked in on us and she has now said she cant remember anything, as you can imagine i am in complete devastation at this, it all looks terrible from the outside, i am in shock as to how she can let this go on as far as it has, she was completely conscious throughout, we were talking away to each other.

    The trial is coming up next month, i have never been in trouble with the police in my life so the whole process is wearing me down, i have always been an easy going person, its going to destroy me and my family. unless she tells the truth i am going to prison. i know in these circumstances it is the norm to think of the worse case scanario but i cant help it .

    I am wondering also if i can take a lie detector test and would that make any difference?

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated thanks

  • #2
    Hi and welcome. I'm sorry you find yourself in this situation.

    Your trial will largely be your word against hers. Have you met your barrister yet? S/he should be able to give you a good indication of the questions you will be asked. You are right to think of the worst-case scenario because then anything else will be an unexpected blessing.

    Maybe your accuser told her mates she couldn't remember anything because she was embarrassed that they walked in on you both while you were engaged in sex. Then they said that if she couldn't remember it must have been rape, and she must go to the police. Is your legal team (sol and barrister) a specialist in defending false allegations of this kind?

    As this case is nearly at trial, there is not much you can do apart from making sure you question your sol and barrister on everything and to make sure you are as well-informed as possible. Try not to panic, remember to talk to the jury, and for goodness sake don't try to hold back your emotions. If you think you are going to cry, let yourself cry - it will make the jury see that you are a human being, not a monster. Sorry if that sounds cynical. Answer all questions politely but firmly and don't come across as cocky. Try to make sure you have as many people there to support you as possible.

    I don't want to be the harbinger of doom, but on the last day of the trial, make sure you take an overnight bag with some comfortable clean clothes, an unopened toothbrush & paste, and some unopened packets of cigarettes. That way if you are sent down immediately you will be able to brush your teeth and wear comfy clothes. The cigarettes will be valuable currency as well. (they must be brand new and still sealed, or you will not be allowed them)

    This is not a foregone conclusion by any means. The jury will be asked to decide who they believe, so make sure you come across as credible and honest. Our legal system is riddled with injustice on both sides when it comes to sex crimes.

    Good luck and please keep posting. It's better out than in.



    • #3
      great news!!

      Hi Saffron,

      Just wanted to update you, I was acquitted!!

      The girl gave her evidence and based on that my solicitor moved for an immediate acquittal.

      Within 5 minutes i was informed the PPS were not going to move forward with any evidence. It all happened so quick I am finding it hard to believe. Anyway just wanted to let you know the good news and say thanks for the advice its greatly appreciated.

      Its been a long hard 18 months for me and my family but its over now so just going to move on and forget about it.

      Someone had mentioned about seeking compensation for this. Do you know anything about it? To be honest I wont be seeking it as I dont want to ever be inside a court again if i can help it but just thought I would ask.

      Its such a flawed system we have here, I used to think like most people theres no smoke without fire but I see now how easy it is to become embroiled in something which you have no control over and would be the last thing you ever want or expect. It really seems like a big cash cow for everyone involved.

      Anyway I hope my story will give other people strength in these cases, I can t believe I am here writing this as I had lost all hope, if it wasnt for my family I would have checked out months ago.

      Again many thanks


      • #4
        hi pmc - that is brilliant news, what a shame it was dragged out to the bitter end.

        I doubt that you'd get compensation - much as it should be awarded in these situations. I'm sure someone else will come along with better information than me!
        And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


        • #5
          Ah! You're in NI or Scotland! Well done on the acquittal!! Drinks all round in the pub tonight or a bottle of bubbly stuff is in order!!!
          People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

          PAFAA details ~


          • #6
            That's great news pms, thank you so much for letting us know. You are right, it will give hope to others who are currently despairing.
            I hope you can now move on and put this ordeal behind you. Feel free to come back here - sometimes the "not guilty" is not the end of the trauma.


            • #7
              thats fantastic news
              "I dreamt I went to the doctor's and she gave me eight minutes to live. I'd been sitting in the f**king waiting room half an hour." Sarah Kane (4.48 Psychosis)


              • #8
                Hi PMC
                Thats great news hope you and your family will be able to get on with your lives now. Stay strong.

