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Christmas 2024

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  • Christmas 2024

    May I wish all forum members very Best Wishes for Christmas and the New Year.

    I've just reviewed my Xmas posting from last year and it's equally relevant to this year (especially in regard to Peter's valuable input to the forum!) so won't repeat those thoughts again

    For quite a few years I've been posting a picture of the 'office' tree that Mrs Casehardened kindly puts up and decorates for me each year. I occasionally think about just using last year's picture but then consider what a blessing that we are both still around to be able to mark this time of year and anticipate the next.

    I posted the first 'tree' picture in 2015 with my thoughts at that time; probably still relevant today so will take the liberty of repeating these:

    Dear Friends,

    At this time of year my inbox fills up with Christmas salutations from various organizations and firms that I have been in contact with and this makes me wonder how to approach the season on here.

    On the one hand there are members for whom Christmas will forever be tainted with the most devastating news but there are also members who have had their burden lifted from them. Others, like myself, will celebrate the holiday with part of the family forever excluded, so it is probably safe to say that, for anyone who has joined this forum to offer and receive support, Christmases will never be the same again.

    Then again for quite a few members Christmas is an important festival in the Church calendar and cannot be ignored, whatever the circumstances.

    After some thought I therefore want to wish everyone 'An Old-Fashioned Christmas' on the basis we can all look back in our memories to think of a time when Christmas had no other connotations or concerns for us.

    Xmas 24.jpg
    'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'

  • #2
    I just wanted to echo what Casehardend has written here and wish everyone a Merry Christmas and only good things for the year to come. Last Christmas was a complete non starter for us. We were still stunned about the accusation, being only a few weeks since my Husband was charged, and for the first time in over 35 years we sat alone at Christmas. This year has been tough with this still hanging heavily on us, but we decided enough was enough of just ‘existing’ so we had family over this time just like our ‘old fashioned’ Christmas Days of which I hope will be many more. I would again like to thank anyone who replied or gave words of support to me when I was on my knees with my situation, you will never truly know how much it meant to my Husband and I. Cheers to all.

