The global spread of swine flu will endanger more lives as it speeds up in coming months, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has said
Shin said. "Communities must be aware before a pandemic strikes as to what they can do to reduce the spread of the virus, and how to obtain early treatment of severe cases."
WHO earlier estimated that as many as two billion people could become infected over the next two years - nearly a third of the world's population
Anyone who has had it would know its nothing worse than food poisoning or a normal flu (is it the normal flu??) anyone could catch at anytime. Colds and Flu always hit the vulnerable and weak the hardest thats been known since it was diagnosed, so why all the fuss? Ok it knocks the stuffing out of you for a couple of weeks and it takes a good month to recover - but then thats not that abnormal.
Its not like the Government gave the same attention to other killers or problems society faces, but with the NHS and other health bodies facing budget cuts due to their own governments incompetence with managing our economy (banks basically) its just to push for yet further funding. More government department media sensationalism at the expense of the truth and reality.
So we spend millions and millions saving (statistically) a handful of lives when many others suffer due to the cutbacks in Legal Aid and delivering justice - well nice one. We obviously all still have plenty of money that the government thinks it can tax us on and waste on completely stupid and unnecessary initiatives. Next they will be including these costs to justify the increase in our VAT to 20% u just wait and see !!
Now they say the vaccine is dangerous and unsuitable for children, like what TF !! So go see your doc when you get a cold and he will grant you absence from work for a couple of weeks courtesy of our NHS - well thanks a lot, BUT could you give me a job first so I can be absent from it.
I know this is a subjective post, albeit topical, but goes to show just how easy it is for government propaganda via media sensationalist reporting gets their policies and message across !! Dont cut our NHS budgets or it could kill u, lol illness can kill anyone - we all already know thanks lads. Most countries media and government don't even mention swine flu - BUT the UK does.
Most Americans don't even know what it is and those that do don't consider it any more dangerous than any typical flu bug !! But then they dont have a national health system do they? well not yet... Some even think its dangerous to come to the UK cos we have an official swine flu epidemic and they don't yet - this is true cos some of our family didnt want to come over for this very reason !! who said Americans were idiots (American yahoo not a word on it !!) (UK version and its hot main news topic)
This isnt a rant its just a topic for debate, I raise some questions some my own personal view and its open for others to argee disagree and comment on - or not as is usually the case. After all isnt that what governments do? Make comments on the slightest bit of information.
Shin said. "Communities must be aware before a pandemic strikes as to what they can do to reduce the spread of the virus, and how to obtain early treatment of severe cases."
WHO earlier estimated that as many as two billion people could become infected over the next two years - nearly a third of the world's population
Anyone who has had it would know its nothing worse than food poisoning or a normal flu (is it the normal flu??) anyone could catch at anytime. Colds and Flu always hit the vulnerable and weak the hardest thats been known since it was diagnosed, so why all the fuss? Ok it knocks the stuffing out of you for a couple of weeks and it takes a good month to recover - but then thats not that abnormal.
Its not like the Government gave the same attention to other killers or problems society faces, but with the NHS and other health bodies facing budget cuts due to their own governments incompetence with managing our economy (banks basically) its just to push for yet further funding. More government department media sensationalism at the expense of the truth and reality.
So we spend millions and millions saving (statistically) a handful of lives when many others suffer due to the cutbacks in Legal Aid and delivering justice - well nice one. We obviously all still have plenty of money that the government thinks it can tax us on and waste on completely stupid and unnecessary initiatives. Next they will be including these costs to justify the increase in our VAT to 20% u just wait and see !!
Now they say the vaccine is dangerous and unsuitable for children, like what TF !! So go see your doc when you get a cold and he will grant you absence from work for a couple of weeks courtesy of our NHS - well thanks a lot, BUT could you give me a job first so I can be absent from it.
I know this is a subjective post, albeit topical, but goes to show just how easy it is for government propaganda via media sensationalist reporting gets their policies and message across !! Dont cut our NHS budgets or it could kill u, lol illness can kill anyone - we all already know thanks lads. Most countries media and government don't even mention swine flu - BUT the UK does.
Most Americans don't even know what it is and those that do don't consider it any more dangerous than any typical flu bug !! But then they dont have a national health system do they? well not yet... Some even think its dangerous to come to the UK cos we have an official swine flu epidemic and they don't yet - this is true cos some of our family didnt want to come over for this very reason !! who said Americans were idiots (American yahoo not a word on it !!) (UK version and its hot main news topic)
This isnt a rant its just a topic for debate, I raise some questions some my own personal view and its open for others to argee disagree and comment on - or not as is usually the case. After all isnt that what governments do? Make comments on the slightest bit of information.